Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Solving Santa Rosa's Homeless Housing

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
Santa Rosa City Council


I hate to say it, but you should not accept these staff ideas.  I hate to say it because it is clear that safe parking and safe camping are needed in Santa Rosa.  Now urgently.  But I also hate to criticize your staff.  They are caught between trying to figure out what is a "housing first" compliant anything you are considering doing, and what makes sense to the many different communities of interest.

Unfortunately, it's an example of government believing that it can use one vision and perspective to shape all solutions.  It ignores the fact that most good solutions are individually-tailored, and need creativity.

Give the staff the freedom to bring the broader provider community to the table to fashion solutions.  And please decide whether every new affordable housing project has to have homeless rental navigational real estate staff included in the budget.  There's few enough of those wizards around, and even they are only going to waste your money until you start to build housing affordable to our homeless.


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